30 minutes or less
30 minutes or less

30 minutes or less

Than that.In this action-comedy Jesse Eisenberg plays Nick, a pizza delivery guy who has to rob a bank for some guys or a bomb attached to his body will explode. It does get tiring after a while but I give this film a 10 anyway.So this film was great! Screw the critics, they don't understand good comedies today! Form your own opinion on films and don't listen to them. Lots of sexual references and F-bombs going down.

30 minutes or less

Humor - The humor of this film was extremely raunchy, like most films now a days. Everything goes down on this one day with Nick righting his wrongs in life and robbing the bank with Chet. I'm not even gonna talk about Michael Pena's role, I hated it so much.

30 minutes or less

Along with his best friend Travis, they kidnap Nick, strap a bomb on him and force him to rob a bank so they can pay a hit man to kill the Major. He hates his father, The Major played by the brilliant Fred Ward and plans to hire someone to murder him so he can inherit the rest of his dad's 10 million dollar lotto win. Danny McBride plays Dwayne who is a retard with no common sense.

#30 minutes or less full

He is a substitute teacher full time and worries about Nick. Aziz however is Nick's best friend, Chet and is more responsible.

30 minutes or less